Adding your own custom exercises

The Fitech exercise training programme tool hosts an extensive array of movements. However, you may wish to add some custom exercises which you can easily do via the Administrator's login.

Each exercise can only have a single image associated with it. You will also need to describe how to conduct the activity.

Step 1: Prepare the image you wish to use and text
  1. Your image should be square and not exceed 5MB in size. You can use tools such as PowerPoint to edit and resize your image.
  2. Your exercise will require a descriptive title.
  3. Your exercise will require a detail explanation test to help the reading understand what it is they need to do. You do not, however, include any details such as sets, reps or level settings. You will do this when you build your personalised training programme.
  4. In the library, you can/should associate your exercise with a category (Cardiovascular Exercises), a mode ( Abdominals) and Equipment (Barbell). The purpose of this is to enable you to search quickly for the exercises when building a personal programme. If the option you require is not there, you can add them.
Step 2: Uploading your new exercise
  1. Login into the Administrator portal
  2. Click on the settings tab
  3. Select Manage Exercise Library
  4. Click Add New Exercise
  5. Now enter the Exercise Description; this is the title that will appear in the picklist.
  6. Now associate the exercise with category, equipment (select none from the list if no equipment) and Mode.
  7. If you want to add an image; click on 'Choose File' to upload your image.
  8. Finally, add your detailed text instructions to the large box below. When done, click insert at the bottom.

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