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Dynamic Custom Tests (DCT) enables you to create your own test feature/component for inclusion in your assessment. In addition to creating your own, you can also use DCTs created by other customers (If they have allowed it to be shared). The process of creating a DCT is very simple.
To create the DCT, you will need to login as the Administrator (via https://admin.fitechglobal.com). Once the DCT has been created, you can add it to your assessment templates via the Operator login.
You will require a DCT for each test; if you have several tests that are very similar (for example, left arm strength test and right arm strength test), you can create the first DCT, then copy and amend the copied DCT.
Step 1: Creating your own DCT
1. Login in as Administrator at https://admin.fitechglobal.com (if you have forgotten your username/password, there is a reminder reset function on the admin login page)
2. Click the Setting tab followed by ‘Manage Dynamic Custom Test.’
3. You will now see a list of all the DCTs on your application.
a. To see all the shared DCTs on Fitech check the box called ‘Include all shared DCTs’.
b. Clicking on the ‘view spec’ option on any DCT will give you the complete details of the test, including the Subject report colour result options.
c. The ‘Edit’ option enables you to set the test name, general information, and any references (who created/inspired it) if the test is gender-based by selecting ‘Global Test’ to yes, you are agreeing to allow your DCT to be copied and used by others. At the bottom of this section, you can add the test outcome options and a colour icon for the result.
4. To create your own DCT:
a. At the bottom of the screen, you will see an option button called ‘Add New Test’, click that.
b. Description: this is a descriptive name of your test for example: Standing on one leg endurance test.
c. Test Introduction: this section is used to explain what the test is, why you are testing it. It will appear on the subjects report at the beginning of the test result.
d. Test Reference: this text is to declare the test source, who created it and what validation it has had.
e. Gender Based: if your test only applies to a single biological gender, by setting the gender here will mean that the test will only be visible for Subjects that match that gender. If it is not leave it as N/A.
f. Global Test: set this to Yes if you are content to share your DCT with other Fitech customers.
g. Once you have filled in the boxes, click Add at the bottom.
h. You will no be returned to the full list of DCTs on your application. Find the DCT you have just created and now click ‘Edit’ on that test. At the bottom of this section, you can add the test outcome options and a colour icon for the result.
j. Gender: if the result outcome is biologically based, then set the sender for this option to that gender.
k. Option Test: this is the result of the test for each option, for example, Pass- Fit For Operational Duties.
l. Cause for Concern: set this to Yes, if this result is deemed to significantly increase the risk of the subjects health and wellbeing.
m. Option Value: this sets the order of the results test, with the lowest value being at the top.
n. Color: this sets the colour for this result on the Subjects report.
o. Summary Text: This sets the outcome recommendation, for example, No further Action Required. Remain on Operational Duties.
p. Once you have completed each box, click Add. For every outcome for this test, you need to make and entry. If you make a mistake you can edit each option by clicking on the Option description in the list, make your changes and click Modify.
Step 2: Add the DCT to your assessment template.
Once you have created your DCT, it will be available to select in your assessment templates. Click here to see how to add and amend your assessment template. There are no restrictions on the number of Dyamanic Custom Tests (DCTs) you can create. However, you can only add 'one of a kind' to each assessment template.
For example, if you had a DCT for eyesight and wanted to add it twice, one for each eye, then you would need two DCTs;
1. Create the first; think of it as a template.
2. Then click clone to copy the first DCT.
3. Now rename the first and second DCT, Left Eye / Right Eye. You can now add them both to the assessment template.